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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Re experience in BH

So this is actually about an experience across from the library. I often park on the street& cross over Santa Monica boulevard because I don't like parking in the parking structure. 

So I noticed one of the neighbors was having a lemonade sale as I was parking and I made a point of pulling out a few dollars to help support the little entrepreneurial effort.  AND I walked up and said "Hi  how much for a glass of lemonade?" 1 dollar ? No tax ? Ok.   Gave a dollar to the little girl. There were no parents there but then the dad stuck his head out the door and he had one of those special things on his head that  people of a certain religion wear and the dad looked at me with condescension realizing I was not one of those people of his religion but a gentile.

  AND it was obvious he had disdain  for me. And I thought to myself " IF that's your thought and feeling about people that are not of your own religion you shouldn't be having your daughter do a lemonade sale out in the public. It's  NOT fair to me as I was trying to be friendly and helpful and supportive.  

I waved to him and he wouldn't even wave back. Very sad because I try to be a supporter of this religion even though I am NOT of that religion.  

As a Christian it's still my obligation to try to support them  but it sure is difficult if they look down on you as inferior. I don't think of myself as inferior.  thank you very much